Hannah Snyder, Ph.D.

Hannah Snyder is Assistant Professor of Psychology at Brandeis University. She received her PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience from the University of Colorado Boulder, and completed a postdoctoral fellowship in developmental psychopathology at the University of Denver. Her research focuses on executive function and the role it plays in the development of psychopathology, especially depression and anxiety, in adolescence and emerging adulthood. In addition, she collaborates with the university counseling center, helping clinicians use data for evidence-based assessment and developing programs for at-risk students. She has published numerous peer reviewed journal articles and book chapters, serves on several editorial boards, teaches, and trains PhD, MA and undergraduate students in her lab.

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Executive function (EF) processes are essential for successfully navigating nearly all of our daily activities, allowing us to regulate and direct our behavior toward goals, break out of habits, make decisions and evaluate risks, plan for the future, prioritize and sequence our actions, and cope with novel situations. EF deficits are present in a wide range of mental health disorders, contributing to deficits in everyday activities, academic/occupational and social functioning. In this presentation, you will learn about EF processes and how they are important for daily life, how and why EF deficits are associated with mental health disorders, and best practices for assessing EF. We will then discuss the latest evidence on interventions for EF deficits, considering limitation of EF training approaches and promising approaches based on using compensatory strategies to improve functioning in individuals with impaired EF.

session: 8822