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Thursday, July 11, 2024 at 3:00 PM - 6:15 PM UTC
Daniel J. Moran, Ph.D.
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Finding Your Why & Finding Your Way uses a simple, user-friendly approach to applying Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). In this webinar, Dr. DJ Moran will demonstrate how this new approach formulates the ACT model into the Mindful Action Plan (MAP), and how you can use the MAP to guide yourself  and your clients towards a meaningful lifestyle with values-based behavior change. If your clients feel stuck, directionless, or unmotivated, or may be seeking a new path in life—one that feels rewarding, inspiring, and purposeful. The question is, where do they begin? As a clinician, you’ve likely heard all about mindfulness—a powerfully effective tool for helping people find focus, balance, and a greater sense of purpose. But how does the client actually apply mindfulness to their life?

Finding Your Why & Finding Your Way is a step-by-step webinar that can help clinicians learn to help clients put mindfulness into action—every day. Using the Mindful Action Plan (MAP) approach—a fully customizable set of skills grounded in acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)—you’ll work with the client to identify what they deeply care about, increase motivation, and start moving forward toward meaningful goals. Most importantly, clients can learn to make a commitment to create the positive change they desire. And you can learn this so well, you can apply it to yourself, as well.

Incorporating Acceptance and Commitment Therapy into your treatment approach will have a significant impact on your clinical effectiveness and the well-being of your clients. ACT is a  rich, integrative approach, and has been shown to be effective for many clinically-relevant concerns. Because ACT takes a different perspective on psychotherapy, some clinicians wonder how to blend the applications into their own therapy approach. Other clinicians who have embraced the ACT concepts still have questions about certain aspects of the therapy.

This webinar will explain ACT in a very clear, concise, user-friendly manner.

session: 11425
Tuesday, July 23, 2024 at 3:00 PM - 6:15 PM UTC
Viveca Saffer, Psy.D.

“The instructor was clearly knowledgeable and well-organized. I liked that she disclosed some of her weaker content/expertise (e.g. not good with metaphors). This was good modeling of the concepts she was teaching. I loved the developmental cube. I will look more into this model and will likely implement it.”-Phillip L., Licensed Professional Counselor, Texas

In this seminar, Dr. Saffer examines the purpose of clinical supervision, including the components and processes that are important for effective supervision. Participants are encouraged to consider different models and methods as they develop an approach to clinical supervision.  In addition,strategies are discussed regarding effectively dealing with some of the challenges that are inherent in the supervisory process.  This seminar is designed to provide participants with a thoughtful approach to the supervision process and to encourage the development of competence in this area of training.

session: 11424
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 at 3:00 PM - 6:15 PM UTC
Viveca Saffer, Psy.D.

Clinical supervision often comes with challenges. These challenges may include supporting supervisees as they build their clinical competencies, providing constructive feedback that helps your supervisee grow and progress in their development as a clinician, navigating potentially challenging relationship dynamics, as well as discussion of ethical issues in the supervision process. This webinar is designed to provide supervisors with the skills to effectively navigate the challenges as they occur. Scenarios will be integrated to encourage the application of the information discussed throughout the webinar.

session: 11423
Saturday, July 27, 2024 at 3:00 PM - 6:15 PM UTC
Jeff Harris, Ph.D.
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Psychological functioning is always embedded within the context of interpersonal relationships.  Maladaptive patterns that bring clients to psychotherapy are often learned in early attachment relationships.  The interpersonal context of psychotherapy can help clients explore and understand relational patterns.  Clients can practice new ways of relating in therapy and, hopefully, these more effective ways of being can be generalized to new contexts.

This seminar will teach both interpersonal conceptualization and intervention methods.  Interpersonal conceptualization will be described as way to understand interpersonal patterns in the present.  In order to promote a unified approach to treatment, the seminar will highlight how relational patterns shape cognition, emotion, and behavior.  Diversity is addressed in this seminar by describing the way cultural contexts shape relationships. 

Foundational interpersonal skills will be described and demonstrated with role-play videos.  These skills will address three general processes: (1) Exploration and functional analysis of current patterns, (2) Guided discovery to uncover more adaptive functioning, and (3) Enacting adaptation outside of psychotherapy. 

At a more advanced level, this seminar will explore the source of interpersonal patterns.  This section will use attachment theory to understand the roots of internalized relational models.  A video demonstration of exploring deeper patterns will be used to illustrate how this idea can be enacted with clients.  Both transference and countertransference will be explored as they are practiced within a contemporary interpersonal approach. 

This seminar is part of Level Two of Training in Unified Psychotherapy (TUP), focusing on working contextually with external contexts and internal influences.  An essential part of a unified approach to treatment is understanding the impact of interpersonal patterns on dysfunctional thoughts, feelings, and actions and fostering more adaptive responses.

session: 11421
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Individuals with borderline personality disorder have long been considered the most challenging clients presenting in the clinical setting. Many professionals continue to view them as untreatable. Emerging research suggests this is simply not the case. DBT has paved the way in pioneering new attitudes and outcomes when working with this population. Most practitioners are trained in dialectical behavior therapy. However, DBT is only one of several empirically supported treatments for BPD. Thus psychologists are now able to bring a
more complex, integrative approach to bear on this once heavily stigmatized diagnosis. This 6 hour training will give you an in-depth understanding of BPD, help you make and have a conversation about the diagnosis in a way that minimizes client resistance and enhances motivation, and offer practical, evidence-based treatment strategies that actually work. Leave this advanced training with a comprehensive knowledge of a condition that was once considered untreatable and a broad repertoire of tools to add to your toolbox to assess, diagnosis, and compassionately treat this population and help them discover their own life worth living.

session: 11419
Tuesday, August 20, 2024 at 8:30 PM - 10:30 PM UTC
Sarah B. Shevchuk, Psy.D.

According to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, approxi­mately 10% of US adults fill one or more antidepressant prescriptions each year, with many of these prescriptions coming from non-psychiatrists. They are some of the most widely prescribed medications of our generation. As more and more patients are prescribed antidepressants and other psychotropic medications, an increased need and responsibility is raised for non-prescribing therapists to be knowledgeable enough to work more effectively with patients and their prescribers in this arena. The follow­ing webinar is intended to be an introductory course that offers general, yet comprehensive information about psy­chopharmacology, including understanding neurobiological underpinnings of how medications work, commonly pre­scribed drug categories, how to work more effectively with patients, and how to work more effectively with prescrib­ers. Unique to this webinar will be the inclusion of how to maximize treatment outcomes and effectively use collab­orative care strategies.

session: 11418
Tuesday, July 9, 2024 at 8:30 PM - 11:45 PM UTC
Sarah B. Shevchuk, Psy.D.

“Excellent presentation. Presenter was very knowledgeable and thorough. No improvements needed.”-Bruce G., Counselor, Illinois

The biology of reward has been well-studied and is linked to numerous mental health diagnoses. Researchers identified an anomaly in this reward cascade called Reward Deficiency Syndrome or RDS. This anomaly and its impact on psychotherapy are less evident in psychological literature, yet it provides useful knowledge in one of the most prevalent and challenging of all mental health disorders…addiction. This seminar will help you understand the cascade theory of reward and provide you with working knowledge of RDS. You will be able to talk about how RDS affects the brain, what research has found regarding the impact of RDS, as well as discuss a model of therapy that considers highly this biological aspect of mental illness. The focus of this seminar is biopsychological and psychopharmaocological in nature.

session: 11416
Friday, July 5, 2024 at 4:00 PM - 7:15 PM UTC
Marianne Brandon, Ph.D.
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Who we are as sexual beings carries profound personal and interpersonal meaning for each of us. Research consistently demonstrates that for most people, sexual satisfaction is a critical component of relationship and life satisfaction. Yet as important as sex can be, sexual concerns are strikingly common, even among non-clinical populations. Most therapists feel they’ve been inadequately trained to address sexual issues with their clients. This talk offers actionable advice for general therapists treating sexual dysfunction in men and women, with a focus on heterosexual relationship dynamics.

session: 11414