Promoting Brain Health with Middle-Aged and Older Adults (2 CEs)

Promoting Brain Health with Middle-Aged and Older Adults (2 CEs)
Friday, May 9, 2025 at 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM UTC
Ann Steffen, Ph.D., ABPP

The science and practice of brain health is developing at a rapid pace; there are now many ways to promote cognitive health and functioning in your middle-aged and older clients. This 2-hour workshop features clinical strategies that are (a) responsive to normative age-related changes in cognitive functioning and that also (b) support daily living that is consistent with personal values and life goals. Whether in psychotherapy, integrated primary care, or case management, behavioral health providers can help middle aged and older adults understand cognitive aging, engage in brain-healthy habits, and support decision making related to completing a cognitive evaluation. The experience of cognitive aging is embedded within social contexts and environments. Thus, this workshop guides clinicians through recommended strategies that are responsive to the needs of culturally diverse aging clients, including within the context of telehealth.

session: 11874