Addiction: Conceptualization, Treatment, Clinical Updates and Provider Resources (2 CEs)

Addiction: Conceptualization, Treatment, Clinical Updates and Provider Resources (2 CEs)
Wednesday, July 16, 2025 at 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM UTC
Lara Ray, Ph.D., ABPP

 “Dr. Ray presented a great deal of information in a very organized manner and was gracious in answering questions. I look forward to attending more seminars with her! I learned more about the prescriptions used to treat addictions, such as naltrexone.”-Linnea T., Colorado

In this program I will review the conceptualization of addiction, including the biological bases for how alcohol and drugs alter the brain. I will then discuss evidence-based treatments for addiction, including pharmacological and psychosocial treatment options. I will review their evidence-based as well as provide practice advice on their implementation. Then, I will discuss the latest developments in substance use disorders, including vaping, cannabis use legalization, and the opioid epidemic. I will conclude by reviewing a host of free resources for evidence-based practices in addiction, primarily those offered by the National Institutes of Health. I will conduct this seminar by combining lecturing, question & answer periods, videos, and polling tools to engage the audience.

session: 11833